Integrated Management System
Tepic, MX, 63176
Objetivo Principal:
- Assure the integrated management system in the plant. Create, manage and further develop the integrated management system (quality, environmental, as well as (if applicable) industrial safety & sustainability) at the site, in cooperation with the central DRÄXLMAIER guidelines. Early recognition of weak areas and introduction of necessary corrective actions.
Actividades Principales:
- Secure the orderly operational implementation and management of the DRÄXLMAIER management system at the site. In the role of “process quality,” assure the effective implementation of system requirements in the relevant standards IATF 16949 (also considering the requirements regarding a risk management system), ISO14001, as well as, where applicable, ISO45001, ISO 50001 & ASA. As a member of the EHS team, maintain knowledge of significant environmental aspects & risk assessments in the plant. Cooperate in determining EHS goals in the plant.
- Create training material, plan and conduct trainings on regular and complex IMS topics (E.g.: Induction, VDA 6.3,IATF 16949, CSR from the IATF) within the region or, if necessary, worldwide.
- Coordinate internal audits with regard to preparation and readiness based on the integrated management system and on the processes at the site, according to the audit detail plans that have been agreed with the lead auditor according to process requirements.
- Coordinate and work together with the lead auditor for external system audits (e.g. IATF 16949, ISO14001, ISO45001, CQC, ASA) at the site with regard to preparation and readiness for the audit, in cooperation with management system requirements and the detailed audit plan agreed with the lead auditor.
- Approve and coordinate customer-specific system audits for maintenance of CSR or related to process series maintenance audits (e.g. BMW requalification audits, RPAS, VW Group FQF,GM-QSB audits,…) at the site, and if necessary, also at other sites in the region. Prepare the site, insofar as possible. Accompany the auditors and actively support the audited unit. Cooperate in defining the detailed audit plan, coordinate the definition of cause analyses, implement corrective actions, assure their smooth implementation, and conduct effectiveness testing with the responsible process manager.
Job Requirements:
- Industrial Engineering / Mechanical / Manufacturing / Administration.
- Quality Operations 2 - 3 years.
- Knowledge on internal systems audits, process audits for manufacturing process, external system audits, customer audits, etc.
- Quality Management 2 - 3 years.
- Knoledge on Norm IATF 16949 and ISO14001 / ISO 45001.
Observaciones importantes para solicitar Posteo Interno Fecha limite para entregar el posteo: 5 días hábiles después de la publicación. Reclutador responsable: Juan Pablo Campos Gomez | JUANPABLO.CAMPOS@DRAEXLMAIER.COM Para postear es necesario presentar el Formato de Posteo Interno debidamente llenado y firmado directamente al reclutador responsable, y además deberás ingresar a tu sesión en Success Factors, buscar la vacante y aplicar directamente en el sistema. Si tienes dudas sobre cómo hacerlo, acude con el reclutador responsable. Emprese / Entidad legal: DCM Draexlmaier Components Aut omotive de Mexico S de RLdeCV , Código organizacional: OE-AM-TEP
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